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209 S. 19th Street, Suite 525, Omaha, NE 68102 | 402-598-5789
Omaha, Nebraska Lawyer for I-80 Drug Stops

Criminal Defense Attorney for Clients Pulled Over on Interstate 80 in Douglas County and Throughout Nebraska
Since Colorado's legalization of recreational marijuana went into effect in 2014, Interstate 80 in Nebraska has become a 455-mile-long target zone for law enforcement. Both in-state and out-of-state drivers are increasingly pulled over for minor traffic offenses in the hopes of finding drugs and with tremendous effectiveness.
For example, in September of 2018, an officer pulled over a rental truck for allegedly crossing onto the right shoulder. After the driver purportedly aroused suspicion, a drug dog search located 1,000 pounds of cannabis. That was not even close to the biggest haul of the year, as an April stop uncovered 1,851 pounds.
These are a small sample of the drug busts that occur daily across the state as overzealous police utilize questionable and often illegal practices to ensnare drivers transporting legally purchased marijuana from out of state. If you face drug charges that resulted from an I-80 traffic stop, you need an aggressive and experienced defense attorney from Olsen Law Offices, P.C., L.L.O. who will fight for you. Attorney Tom Olsen is a Former Assistant State Attorney General and Assistant Omaha City Prosecutor who has successfully defended clients from across the country, from simple possession charges to hundreds of pounds with intent to distribute. When your future is at stake, Attorney Olsen is the lawyer to have in your corner.
Nebraska Drug Busts and Illegal Police Search
Police frequently engage in dubious tactics to pull over vehicles they believe could contain narcotics, especially rental vehicles and those with out-of-state license plates. One method is to follow a vehicle for as long as it takes for the driver to make a mistake, which virtually anyone will do eventually. Once the automobile is pulled over, an officer may subjectively determine an occupant has acted suspiciously. They can then order in a K-9 unit and see if the vehicle hits for drugs on-board. If so, and a search turns up cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, or another drug, the arrest is made.
Attorney Tom Olsen is a champion for drivers who are victims of problematic law enforcement actions and illegal search and seizure. He will conduct a complete investigation of your case to determine if police violated your rights at any point, from the initial stop through processing, interrogation, and incarceration. With 35 years of trial experience, if officers acted inappropriately, he will hold them accountable.
Fighting Drug Charges in Nebraska
Whether you face possession, drug trafficking, or drug manufacturing allegations, Olsen Law Offices, P.C., L.L.O. will fight for dropped or reduced charges to keep a conviction off your record. Attorney Tom Olsen can also negotiate to secure your eligibility for the National Safety Council, Nebraska Diversion Program, which offers a second chance for some drug offenders. You can trust he will diligently seek and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
Contact a Lincoln Drug Crimes Lawyer
Thousands of clients have benefitted from Attorney Tom Olsen's adept legal representation, and he is ready to help you today. Contact a 24/7 Lancaster County marijuana attorney at 402-598-5789 for a free consultation. We also serve clients in Aurora, Buffalo County, Dawson County, Grand Island, Hall County, Hamilton County, Kearney, Lexington, Lincoln County, North Platte, Papillion, Sarpy County, Seward, York, and York County.